Sunday, February 14, 2010

I've been M.I.A.

Yes, I know I've been missing for a while, but not without good reason!

I am currently a college student, AGAIN! I decided to go back for a nursing degree!!!

I have not stepped foot in a college classroom for 17 years!!! Now that my youngest is in school, I thought it might be a good time to figure out what I want to be when I grow up!!! So, I am currently taking 1 prerequisite this semester - along with full time Mom, and now PT student - I am in the throws of Anatomy & Physiology 1 - all I can say is WOW - that is one demanding class - but so far averaging a "B" and that is taking up a TON of my time!

New Use for COPIC Markers: coloring my AP 1 Coloring Book! These make wonderful coloring medium for all those darn labels of every single body drawing that needs to be colored - it's a way to keep my creativity going while I study, study, study! Check out these pics -

So, in case you thought I was just blowing off my blog - not so!

I will be posting as much as I can; thanks for your patience!! I have a good project to show you soon, more to come!

Help Needed: does anyone have a good suggestion for stopping a horrible surge of "comments" on my blog posts for everything from medications to sex items? I put my comments on "moderate" so that helps, but I'm totally sick of the bad stuff and want to stop them at all!!! Any suggestions?

Thanks for stopping by: (and yes, I've been praying TONS just to make all this info from AP 1 Class to stick!)

As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools. ~Author Unknown